My thoughts on blogging - motivation, insecurities and new beginnings

Hi! It's been a while, hasn't it. And if it wasn't awkward enough trying to get back into blogging as desperately as I do, I don't even know where to start. It feels really strange typing this, seeing as I've been put off blogging for such a long time now. I've wanted to get back into it for ages, typed a good five drafts on my phone but never took the plunge and published them. Back in February I saw that one of my blogging friends - Sharna - has made a comeback and I can't begin to tell you how happy I was to see her name pop up on my feed again, so I thought I'd try and make an effort again myself. This time around I'm trying to blog just because I want to!

I first started blogging when I was 21. I'm turning 27 next month so saying that my life has changed a lot since then would be an understatement. I've been working full time for the past three years which means there's been little to no time to blog - if blogging isn't your first priority that is. I certainly don't regret spending my spare time with friends and family but I started to miss blogging quite a lot. There was nothing I loved more than taking pictures, coming up with new ideas and trying new products. Over the years I felt like blogging became a chore. I just couldn't find the time to maintain my blog which really bothered me, or maybe I just didn't want to make time for it. Now I know the purpose of blogging is to have fun, however with the social media world being as complex as it is today, it's hard finding your place at all. There are Insta bloggers, Snapchat vloggers and what have you. I'm not intending to make a living from blogging so I'm probably being overly dramatic (that's how I am, soz!) but it did make me insecure and I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one who felt like this at some point!

Another thing that has really put me off blogging is that the blogging world has changed so much. The words 'big blogger' now mean more than ever before. Little blogs have turned into full blown websites with shop categories, professional photographers and, sometimes, sponsored posts only. Of course this isn't neccessarily a bad thing, I'm over the moon to see the girls I've been talking to on Twitter for years do well and they do earn all the success. It just kind of makes me feel like writing a blog is going nowhere these days. Readers (if there are any) don't engage as much as they used to and it feels like being thrown back to the beginnings where I had a mere five readers, my nan, mum and sisters to be exact. No comments, no reaction. Being scared of not finding the right words, or being boring or just not anywhere near as good as other bloggers and therefore not interesting enough. All these nasty thoughts crossed my mind whenever I tried to sit down and write a blog post, until it started to dawn on me that this wasn't going to work out.

So what I'm going to try to do is posting whenever I find the time. I'm not pressuring myself into having to write 3 or 5 posts per week anymore or taking the most amazing pictures with a marble background (don't get me wrong, still loving the whole marble trend). I don't need that kind of negativity in my life. I'm simply trying to blog when I feel like it and blog about things I like rather than things I feel I need to talk about because everyone else might be talking about them. Simple as that.

I'd love to hear your opinion, do you agree or am I being dramatic? How do you feel about the bloggersphere these days? Why do you keep on blogging or why did you give it up?

Let me know in the comments (if you can't see the Disqus widget please click the post title) or tweet me :)

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